The goal of your Chamber membership is to help you grow your business. Our benefits are designed to help you achieve that goal through:
- Networking Opportunities
- Educational Opportunities
- Giving Back to the Community
- Marketing & Promotion
- Advocacy Opportunities
- Tourism Opportunities
- Additional Benefit Opportunities
Signature Events:
- Annual Hob Nob
- Annual State of the Cities Mayoral Updates
- Christmas Fundraiser
Website (MySanfordChamber.com)
All members of the Chamber are listed on the website, categorized according to their business type. You can access a direct link to each member's website from their listing. As a member, you can add your company's news, press releases, special promotions (for public or members only), and job openings to your listing.
Sponsorships Opportunities
By participating in our annual sponsorship program, members gain valuable exposure to influential business leaders. Sponsorship funds support operational expenses for programs, activities, and special events.
Social Media
The chamber uses social media to recognize businesses and members.
Community Calendar
All members can now submit their events through their member login to be featured on the Sanford Chamber of Commerce online calendar.
Brochure Display in Lobby
It is free of charge for members to display their brochures in the tourism lobby at the Visitor's Center.
Weekly Email
New members, featured events, and upcoming events are included in the weekly chamber email sent out to all members.