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Middle school students at the STEM-focused Seminole Science Charter School recently showed off their smarts at a math competition hosted by Heathrow Elementary. The SSCS mathletes took home several honors – Sixth grader Advay B. won second place. Seventh graders Amit P., Udeshya S., Om T., and Da’ron S. came in fifth, fourth, second and first place (respectively). The middle school brainiacs are looking forward to continued learning and competing with their peers at the next competition in a few weeks!

As part of SSCS’s competition math team, students explore and deepen their knowledge of math concepts and skills. They have competed at a variety of Math League competitions the last four years and received first place at State’s the last two years. They have also traveled to Texas and competed at the national level where students placed top ten and 6th overall on a national level in 2018. Students are also invited to compete in other tournaments such as Math Olympiad (MOEMS) and the Noetics Math Competition.

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